Sunday, May 18, 2008

Greetings from San Francisco!

I figured "San Francisco" would look more impressive than "somewhere near San Francisco." It's a town called Cocati, which is just a little bit north of San Francisco, on the other side of a very long bridge with an amazing view of water and islands and hills and a big long white cloud hiding San Francisco itself.

Anyway, I'm at Marsha's house--she's one of the people I met in India on the second trip and went with to Dharamsala, and she has this amazingly clean I mean beautiful house with a silk rug she bought in Agra, India. And quite a few Buddha statues here and there.

In Phoenix I got my kitten fix: three fluffy little white kittens and one black tabby. Just about six weeks old. Oh, yeah, their mom (a completely white little cat with pale blue eyes--I suspect she may be some sort of purebred) took the babies into Jennifer's parents' yard, and now they're temporarily living with Jennifer.

She and my brother Francis also treated me to lots of great food and a trip to the Phoenix Art Museum, which has some wonderful Sri Lankan Buddha statues. I left my brother's apartment in Phoenix at 6:22 this morning and arrived here at a little bit before 7 pm. That was a long drive. Every time I stopped at a gas station to spend a gratuitous amount of money on gasoline, I felt as though I were in an oven; I think it was at least a hundred degrees everywhere until I got to the San Francisco Bay area. I've gone from looking at cacti and palm trees and sand, to looking at palm trees and sand, to looking at palm trees and lots of green stuff...and even water! There's, like, an ocean here!

I'm exhausted. It's time to stop writing. Tomorrow I'm going to hang out in Berkeley and spend a second night at Marsha's, and the next day I'll drive up to Portland, Oregon.

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