Thursday, May 29, 2008

Astronauts on the Streets of Portland

While taking a walk downtown toward the library this morning, I passed a door just as someone dressed entirely in astronaut gear, big round thing on the head and all--stepped outside. It was hard to refrain from giggling. When I was just a few feet from the steps up to the front door of the library, I saw a whole bunch of these astronauts. On the back was something about a space museum--it seems they were hanging out in front of the library and advertising for this musuem. After I followed one of the astronauts into the front lobby, I made eye contact with a woman who was amused at the astronauts, and we burst out in giggles.

It's normal to see beggars and punkers and backpackers on the streets of Portland, but this would weird out just about anyone. I think I'm going to like it here.

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